Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Evaluation question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Feedback is very important when producing an ad campaign and can mean the difference between getting people interested in watching the movie and ignoring it.  First impressions are important and making sure them first impressions are neat and polished will reap the best results.

The video here is for a Horror Movie called The Ghoulies, a rather bad film with a rating of 3.5/10 on IMDb.  From watching the trailer the movie looks as it would be bad to watch anyway even if I did not see the reviews.  The presentation is bad and there is a big lack of tension and pace within the trailer.

The first audience feedback received was before my group made the trailer, this was from the questionnaire and proved to be very helpful for when we developed out trailer.  We all combined our data and found common trends with our data to apply to the trailer.  I have posted this information personally to my questionnaire under the posts titled Questionnaire and Audience research summery.

The second piece of feedback we received as a group where our class would watch every trailer and write down what they liked, what could be improved, what they feel would mostly improve it and the conventions the trailer met.  This information allowed for my group to make some improvements to the trailer based off common trends that people suggested improving, one of the more dominant suggestions being the sound.
Overall the feedback received from both the questionnaires and the class feedback on the trailer helped out a great deal in finding out the target audience’s opinion on the trailer.  This has allowed for improvements to be made to the trailer so that the final trailer is of a higher standard.

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